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Old 25-05-2020, 11:19 PM   #30
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Australia - China - Poltics

Originally Posted by Tonz View Post
regarding farm/station purchases..... bloody hard position but if I was an owner of any such property and family did not want to follow my steps then I opt to although against overseas investment If I was advertising my land at $100 acre and someone offers $150 am I going to say no?
The issue isnt the $150 per acre offer, its that in a lot of cases, the chinese buyer is the only one offering anything close to worthwhile. And that is a far bigger issue.

I still find it astounding that a product like fresh milk, cant be imported, yet farmers cant make money off it. Understand that, and you understand the plight of farmers of virtually any commodity.

We have foreign content laws re: the TV we watch, but not the food we eat. Combine that with our grocery duopoly, and you can see why farming which was once our backbone, is now unviable for anything but the mutlinationals. I'm still at a loss as to why its not considered anti-competitive for the shop that owns the shelf to also be able to stock it with its own brands (and increasingly foreign-made ones).
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