Thread: Covid 19 -
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Old 16-03-2020, 10:07 PM   #32
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Default Re: Covid 19 -

Originally Posted by XC-351 View Post
How ridiculous, and its this type of thinking that will make this issue so much worse then it is, the fact the your not taking it seriously. "Media Driven Bait"? where did you get your facts from? The MEDIA...

You don't seriously believe the F1, Euro Cup, NBA were all postponed because of Media Hype, Multi Million Dollar industries postponing events because of a mild like flu?

We are being drip fed what we need to know at a slow rate to ease the panic and carnage thats about to unfold.
Agreed, I just finished a 2 hour debate with my 19yr old Daughter who is just as adamant that its all just a media beat up and will be all blown over in a few months, she figures if its as bad as being made out why doesn't the government just order a nationwide lockdown, trying to explain to her that we don't live in Communist China and that full enforcement like that in one swoop would result in riots, I said you see how they're reacting over toilet paper without taking away civil liberties, imagine if they we're told it was their last chance to go outside or shop for the next month.

I have no doubt it was lost on her, the best thing I've seen said about this situation is that Australians have viewed world events through their TV screens and have never had to face this type of situation before so have a false sense of security and I think my Daughter fits that description perfectly.
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