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Old 05-03-2020, 10:16 PM   #35
Kicking back
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Default Re: Measure Twice, Cut Once

Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva View Post
Here is another one...

Tell me, what is wrong with this picture?


What? They are different colours you say?

The top lighter colour is the original tile. Tilers had already laid several rooms.

They forgot to send the last 15 boxes with the original delivery. No worries, when the ute is doing a delivery in my area in the next few days they can drop by.

So they did, tilers start helping to unload...

I bet had I not turned up they would have started laying them right along the lighter ones.
They never had the 'forgotten' 15 boxes. They were winging it thinking she'll be right with the next batch. Or conversely, thinking the same but pleading ignorance and flooging the last part of your order to another client in need who payed a bigger mark up. Im used to the bs of suppliers invoicing 'delivered' goods when they were either delivered to the wrong place and signed for by other companies, delivered to the wrong people from my company regardless of delivery instructions yet the potatoes still sign, wrong parts delivered (thats pretty black and white when you order something in white and they deliver it in black) or simply they invoice something they never received, claimed they sent out and have no drivers manifest or signature for the drop.
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