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Old 05-03-2020, 09:27 PM   #33
Kicking back
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Default Re: Measure Twice, Cut Once

Originally Posted by Yellow_Festiva View Post
Needed to get some gyprocking work done. At the same time I asked the guy to patch 2 holes in the ceiling on the rear balcony. The roofer needed to inspect where water was leaking through.

No worries - walk through the house, point out exactly what needed doing and the 2 holes that needed repairing. How hard could it be?

I'm at work, boss calls me to confirm that the workers have started. Confirmed the work we agreed to as well as the 2 holes out the back.

Come home to find that they had patched up the 2 holes in the rumpus that were cut out by the AC guy for manhole installation.

Boss is Middle Eastern, workers Chinese.. What could go wrong?

If I ever build again I will never leave the site and watch every worker like a hawk.

Everything is a 'misunderstanding' when they screw up.

Boss tried to blame me for not being there as well... I can just see him now.

'Yeah boys, the bulkheads above the robes and the 2 ceiling holes at the back of the house'...
The complete wrong result, i get that and the boss who i assume looked at the job should be kissing your feet and try to fix it, im assuming he simply just plays the blame game instead for the labour he hired probably at the cheapest possible. I see it all the time on site. Its a language barrier thing most the time. Yeah sometimes its just crap workers. Crap workers can be from anywhere. What i see most often is on site the builder, data guy, plumber, whatever, just throw jobs at non english speaking background people and not have a bar of their questions they have because they dont have enough english to understand properly. Hence the stuff ups. And the scapegoat for jobs not running to schedule is the easy option, blame the ones who dont speak english. Yes there are pretenders, ive worked on sites where you can have a normal conversation with a gyprocker but when they stuff up suddenly they dont speak english. In the same token ive worked on sites with guys who only speak basic english, their supervisor has taken the 2 minutes to explain as best they can the task, and the blokes do very good work. Yeah you can throw in different industry standards between countries etc, but thats a rabbit hole. We have an Italian bloke at work. He is a gun at what he does. Nowdays his english is pretty good, but when he started, it wasnt. But no one in his new to the country days was too busy to take the extra 30 seconds to explain things in an easier way to understand. Same way as early on some questions he had he knew the name of the part in Italian, but had to take 30 seconds for us people to work it out. But the bloke is very good at what he does. My work has had more australians get shown the door in the past decade then imports. Guys from overseas typically leave to go home as they get homesick. Work never employ labour hire people who are australian, reason being, if they had to sign up for labour hire, theres probably a reason. We have a few guys from england and ireland who were labour hire who work took on. New to the country and needed work, and theyre hard workers. Not cant get a job for whatever reason so relegated to labour hire.
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