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Old 13-09-2019, 08:35 PM   #992
Kicking back
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Originally Posted by Citroënbender View Post
I’ve drilled a 1/8” hole in my finger...


So I probably have some reference data for a stabbing pain.
Had multiple major cuts and 1 digit reattached and been stabbed in the chest before. I think the better term is a sharp pain. Proper injuries dont hurt straight up. The adrenaline your body pumps at the time sorts that. When that adreniline wears off, yeah, then it hurts. So if its major, it takes a few minutes to realy hurt. Sharp pains to me are like the times a few years back my chest would hurt bad and my heart would beat really fast then stop for 20 seconds, then go slow for a minute then get back up to speed. Never got that looked at, probably should have, but it hasnt happened in years.
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