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Old 04-08-2019, 01:56 AM   #5767
Starter Motor
Join Date: Jul 2019
Posts: 1
Default Re: Welcome to New Members - Post here to say gday!

Hi All,

Been a very long time since I frequented these boards. I re-signed up not long ago as I couldn’t remember my user name etc (was 1998-2005ish)...

I used to run around in a JMM Dev 5+ (and a few more Brendan tweaks) with an AU 1 Forte 6 that managed to spike above 180 on his hotly debated dyno (at the time anyway...) but yielded 172 somewhere else so it was healthy... Cried my eyes out selling it in 2006 as I was forced to grow up...

Anyways, I paid my dues to the family business for the next 3 years and the pride of the business, a BF II GT with EVERY GTP part fitted (except the P stickers), and a slightly tweaked factory suspension as the car was originally fitted out for Bob Bink fell into my hands as my “company car” in 2010.

This thing became my life, my kids saw me in my element as I did not want to touch the motor, only the sound system etc. Fast forward 5 years later and the only thing left for me to do now is drop in a supercharger...

But then I had a minor crash on the ring road (both our faults - both merged lanes too quick to see each other) and the scare of a write off began to occur... At the same time I also had an order placed for a GTF but was told I may have been a little out of luck... But that is where a twist occurs, as insurance sat around scratching their proverbial nuts, I needed a car to drive and The Ford dealership wanted $130k for their last undriven GTF which is a F@rkbag Load of dollars for ANY car, let alone one I want to actually drive...

So I ended up with brand new FGX XR8... and the GT came home. The story gets a bit sad from there, because I decided I’d wait out my warranty with the XR and life sorta doesn’t have much room for two babies and wife + 3 kids... The XR had balls to the wall power, pulling stumps, tyre fryin stuff. THE GT had refinement and does not want to kill you cornering at 200+ kph...

Until now...

The XR has proven too easy to play with and a few tweaks and a tune later, we pump my bro in laws M4, provided I feather the crap out of the throttle...

So Hello Again Ladies and Gents - Safe and Spirited driving to All!
Fun - 2006 BF GT II
Daily - 2015 FGX XR8
History - EF II Falcon, AUI Falcon, BF II Falcon
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