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Old 15-01-2019, 09:24 PM   #961
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: Why is it.................?

Now this ruined my morning. Why is it massive communication interpretation errors still happen? Got flicked a job last night at a hospital to do this morning. I had extremely limited info so i was relying on the hospital engineering staff to know about it. Somewhere in the communications between the medical equipment people and the hospital people the hospital people misinterpreted something and instead of blocking off 2 car spaces they booked an operating theatre for me. After 3 hours of myself making calls to everyone under the sun to find out what the job was, turns out it was just running a cable in the car park. In the time i spent chasing my tail i had an operable operating room that i could have done some cut price surgury in. Dont like that finger, $50 and my bolt cutters would take that off. Big ears, $20 and the chopper reed could have been had with my stanley knife....
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