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Old 30-06-2018, 08:30 PM   #719
Kicking back
Join Date: Dec 2013
Location: Western sydney
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Default Re: What made you feel good today?

I didn't really want to work today but I took one for the team. What made it worth is was we got in the concrete cutter who I haven't used in maybe 8 years and he's a character. Not the kind bloke to have around if you're a sensitive person but he has no filters and is a hilarious old bloke. But also just an old school weathered tradie. I marked out the position of the box I wanted cut into the slab loosely and he gave it to me for wanting to measure it out properly, looked at the box and cut it out with no measurements at all. Got it right too. Considering the margin of error is only 10mm and he got the depth spot on with no measuring or setting a depth on the wet saw. My offsider is an English guy who is a tradesman but hasn't been around the old school often and definately not around the definition of bogan aussie tradie, but having a solid laugh in the morning (my concrete cutter had a few ummm, not politically correct statements about men holding hands etc), it made the morning fly past. There are only 2 types of really old blokes I come across on site, the grumpy ones who know what they're doing but are waiting on retirement, or the funny guys who have been there for a long time but still try to make it a good time.
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