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Old 14-02-2005, 11:36 AM   #108
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Originally Posted by XRchic
I agree with Nic (DQ). I have never felt intimated, threatened or harrassed on here. I think I give as good as I get in any case, and I have a thick skin. I dont mind the jokes either, it's all in good fun, there is no intention to harrass anyone, and I think that if people take it that way, then they have to lighten up a whole lot - one cannot go through life taking offence at every little thing!
Sadly a lot of people cannot take a joke, and thats not just the girls! Political correctness, is just sanctity for those wanting to force their thoughts onto others, or to bang on with a tired cause. Harrassment is something quite different from having a joke and would never be tolerated by the OPs or more importantly by the membership of the forum.

Originally Posted by XRchic
And I agree with whoever said no pink! I dont think the forums should be changed to accommodate more females. I think the way it is is just right, and the chics who do come on here, do so because of the way it is. It just wouldnt be right if it were changed to cater for a different kind of girl. We may be rare (ie car chics) but if we are on here, then its good... dont go changing it to be more chic friendly - then it wont be the thing that we like so much. If some girls dont like it the way it is, then do we really want them on here? Sounds harsh, but I think its the way it is... Having said that, more car chics on here would be awesome, but over the last year, I have seen a LOT more chics on here, which is great!
Being the one responsible for the "pink" and the "furniture rearrangment" comments, I can assure you it was tongue in cheek. If some choose to see those remarks as sexist then its their issue to deal with not everybody elses.

Things Automotive are generally a male environment but not exclusively so. It is great to see the number of ladies that feel welcome and included here its not "Blokesworld" even if some of us occasionally put on the pretence that it is.

Minge asked how to attract more ladies to the forum. As Jaq has already stated, more of the same will attract plenty more of the right people from either sex.

Harrassment of any kind, political correctness, pink curtains or neandathal attiudes not required. And SOH is a valuable thing for surviving and even enjoying this crazy world.

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