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Old 14-10-2014, 06:33 PM   #46
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Racist attack on QLD train!

Originally Posted by NTF6 View Post
Yes, you are missing the point. The reason the little runt is mouthy is because he has nothing to back it up with. If he was built like the rail guard or bigger then yes, someone would have been hurt.

I'm guessing from your comments that as long as no-one gets hurt then you'd be ok with your wife/kids/mum/dad/sister being verbally abused in a similar manner?
Get it all from time to time mate.

But it was much more so where I once lived and I was happy and having a good day if it only came to some verbal abuse, then a mob of drunken low life filthy grubs wanting money and harassing you if you went out or a mob trying to have a go at you, not just one, but a mob bro. as they were always to gutless to have a go one on one.
When I left the pub or night club I use to put my last beer down and walk out prepared for any idiot who came swinging out of the trees trying to have a go directly.

The kid was just a snotty nosed brat like you see everywhere and on the drugs the moronic idiots use nowadays.

Like my elder brother always says, they can call me what ever they like, but as long as they don't call me late for lunch.
People bag him saying he looks like Fabeo or Sweed and other stuff even down in the city of nice metro wimp nerds of Brisbane. you just pay no mind to it and it does not become a problem for you, but if you get you heckles up that only drives the idiots on. it's only a big deal if you let it become one.
How can anyone hurt you when it's not true and if it is true so what, big deal it's them who are just being the idiot.
Others should pay no mind to it all, then old mate has no fuel to run with it.

We are seeing people of late that get involved in cases like such sticking their beak into it all, thinking they are the PC police and then end up getting punched out directly and then are wondering why.
Confronting someone who is of there rocker is not a good idea if you can't fight.
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