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Old 22-07-2014, 09:50 PM   #14
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Default Re: Claytopia's XB GT Coupe restoration

So last time we left off I admitted that my wife kicked me in the butt and said “here honey I found these in my hand bag, they look like yours; now get onto your car”, so after firmly reattaching my mates I got into the shed.

From the first post you can see I took a few before pictures. I have been keeping a photo and video record of the strip down as I go, really thrill a minute stuff like : Photo 1, here is a picture of the driver side bonnet hinge, photo 2, here is a picture of a snap lock bag with driver side bonnet hinge bolts written on it, and just when you think it can’t get topped, hold onto your hats for photo 3, the driver side bonnet removed in a box with bonnet hinges written on the box and if you take your time and look closely you will see on the ground in front of the box a small bag of bolts with bonnet hinge bolts driver side written on it.

Now I don’t want you to get too excited; not all the pictures are that high quality. I mean this is a story about rebuilding a car, not my totally adequate photography skillz (the z is intentional, it gives it a street edge) Some of the sequences have quite a large number of shots in various stages and sub-stages for full disassembly, just thinking about revisiting the series where I pulled the dash out makes me swoon…

They say a picture is worth a thousand words so if you have a videos running at 24f/s does that then equal 24 000 words a second? Of if you’re watching at 36f/s is it then 36 000 words a second, and what about the refresh rate of your screen, if you’re watching on a 200htz screen at 36 f/s even at that f/s the screen is going to refresh each frame several times, does that then make it 200 000 words a second or do they multiply 200htz x 36f/s x 1000words is a massive (pauses. checks with calculator. grins smugly.) 7.2million words a second….

Sorry about that, I’m back - I’m saying don’t just take pictures, get right into it and take any videos you may want as well as you may need them later. There are some awesome ones of me rolling and or crawling into various positions in under and around the car shining torches at parts saying engrossing things like “Here we can see where the handbrake cable comes down through the floor pan”, I know what you’re thinking, GTFO this guy has videos of handbrake cables, Yes I do, I just checked I actually have 2 of them (one for each side… PM meJ)

So here are a couple of pictures of when a good mate and I pulled the engine out and put her on an engine stand. The last picture is me post burn, Sav my friend on the right is not a huge fan of the blue oval, in fact I think he has owned one of each major marque except Ford since I have known him. So when I was in the engine bay he commented “I bet I know what your cars thinking”. “What” I asked him and he replied “I was really hopping for more inches!!”. Now that’s a pretty funny comment in itself but what I should add is my lovely wife who was holding the camera and taking a few snaps muttered none too under her breath, “I know how she feels”… and snap, the photo was taken too.

And so without further pause here are a few pics of the day the motor came out.

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