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Old 16-04-2013, 02:37 AM   #1358
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: AFF Weight Gain/Loss Program

Originally Posted by Spudz27 View Post
As I have a pretty severe heart condition I gotta be careful, but so far it is handling it very well and the dr said there has been no change during my last scan. I have dropped 3 pants sizes, and 2 shirt sizes, but look stupid because my shirts cling to my muffin top and I need to know how te hell to get rid of it. My upper body is def bulking up at the moment, but there will be a point it stops as I can't (I can but not supposed to) do more than 25kg.
In your position, I'd be looking to address the weight with diet. By all means, keep doing exercise to maintain some degree of fitness, but I doubt you're going to burn substantial calories given your heart condition. Its just not worth the risk.

Speak to your doctor about going on a 5:2 fast, 2 days per week where you only consume 500cal, in one meal (see the BBC doco 'Eat Fast Live Longer' posted earlier). The upside of this type of diet is that by incorporating fast days, you don't have to count calories on the non-fast days quite so fastidiously (and dietary boredom is what ends up undoing most dieters in the long term).

The other upside is that it seems to 'reset' the hunger hormones which cause you to want to graze all day long even when you're not particularly hungry. In my experience, I've been able to go back to eating only when I am actually hungry, I don't feel nearly as much desire to snack simply because I can.

But like I already said, speak to your doctor first.

Losing the love handles can only be achieved by cutting body fat. You cant target them with ab exercises, its just going to take an overall fat reduction for them to go.
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