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Old 28-09-2011, 05:11 PM   #27
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Default Re: Hospital cover, who has it?

Originally Posted by Sox
Not exactly true.
The waiting lists are already longer than they need to be, but it's because of private cover and too many people having premature elective procedures.

People are also already claiming the public system is crap, because unfortunately our society today is too demanding.

Partly true, but more to do with the second point I made above, some things are just never good enough for some people.

Our current public health care system may not be first class, and it certainly has flaws, but by world standards it is excellent.

To some degree you're right. But, that's more to do with people abusing the public system than any monetary relief the private sector brings.

Again, you're right to some extent.
The system will need adjusting as more and more people go out of private cover, but that's a good thing IMO.
As I said, the system is good, but there's always room for improvement.

I think one of the first things which should be introduced is paid GP visits. It might stop frivolous weekly check ups by perfectly healthy but paranoid people.

ohhhhh come on guys . i really dont like hearing peoples assumptions . our public system is the only way for emergency care ,and it is great . it is there to save your life , or help you recover enough to go home , once home , and believe me they dont keep you in hospital for a day longer than necessary . your on your own , then you go to the GP for recovery , if you need further specialist follow ups treatment . that when you are up the creek without private insurance or cash .
remember your public hospital is there to keep you alive , after that its up to you and specialists, or you and your wallet . when you come out of hospital after an emergency be thankfull your alive , it doesnt gaurantee youll stay that way though , it is then up to you to keep yourself recovering , not the public system .
in all other cases (not emergency life treatments) the private system is way way way better than public . the public sytem is for life threatening emergencies, the private system is for recovery and repair . thats my take .
i have had that drummed into me from doctors and everyone i know who has been there , and i have .
i needed a hernia operation years agoi . the GP said to me when dont be a fool , get it fixed , dont wait . make the necessary appointments now privately and get it done in a staged planned manner by a great doctor under a planned circumstance .
OR wait till it ruptures , and hope it isnt in the middle of a saturday night an a bad night , when the public sytem is under stress ,and a junior doctor repairs it as one of several operations he/she performs that night .
it is important for me to drum the realities of what happens here .
ohh by the way if your appendix suddenly ruptures it is a life threatening emergency . the hospital will keep you alive , the private system wont be there for you under that scenario . . then it becomes an emergency operation or death . i hope i have made the point i'm trying too . cheers .
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