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Old 28-09-2011, 10:48 AM   #25
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Default Re: Hospital cover, who has it?

Originally Posted by geckoGT
Yep, until everyone, no matter how much they earn cancel their health insurance because we all have the Medicare "health cover". Then everyone turns up at hospitals, delays get longer, waiting lists get longer and everyone on this "health cover" complains that the health system is crap.
Not exactly true.
The waiting lists are already longer than they need to be, but it's because of private cover and too many people having premature elective procedures.

People are also already claiming the public system is crap, because unfortunately our society today is too demanding.
A lot of the problem is everyone wants first class health care but most people don't want to pay for it.
Partly true, but more to do with the second point I made above, some things are just never good enough for some people.

Our current public health care system may not be first class, and it certainly has flaws, but by world standards it is excellent.
Simple fact is quality health care costs a lot more than covered by the Medicare levy if everyone was to rely on it.
To some degree you're right. But, that's more to do with people abusing the public system than any monetary relief the private sector brings.
If everyone was to just use Medicare, the Medicare levy will have to go through a massive increase. Yes we have a good health care system but it is crumbling under the pressure because less and less people have health insurance, causing less use of GP's and more presentations to public emergency departments.
Again, you're right to some extent.
The system will need adjusting as more and more people go out of private cover, but that's a good thing IMO.
As I said, the system is good, but there's always room for improvement.

I think one of the first things which should be introduced is paid GP visits. It might stop frivolous weekly check ups by perfectly healthy but paranoid people.
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