Thread: Panic Attacks
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Old 20-06-2011, 01:06 AM   #64
FF.Com.Au Hardcore
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Default Re: Panic Attacks

Wow! I've had these panic attcks since I was 12 (seems a magic age for the onset of social anxiety and the like, probably due to the fear of high school) and I'm now 31 and still suffer the occasional moment. Although they occur strictly when surrounded by a big crowd and really no other time. Used to be every single time I entered a shopping centre or jumped on a train or something, but gradually and thankfully these are becoming more rare.

The racing heart rate, the inability to swallow and the feeling or violent nausea hit me and I just go blank, can't really concentrate on anything except getting the hell out of where I am.

This thread is great because it's easy for those with these disorders to feel they are alone or unique or even strange. This thread has highlighted the actual numbers of people who are in the same boat. Aand if any of you are like me, you're surrounded by people who simply DON'T GET IT. People need to feel a panic attack or depression to know, and if not, they just cruise thru life thinking these disorders are some sort of petty thing that can be switched off like a light.

Again, great thread idea. Dunno who started it but thanks
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