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Old 08-11-2010, 01:21 PM   #7
Eat my Brake Dust
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Join Date: Apr 2008
Location: In the back with Miss Alba
Posts: 985

With the unpredictible weather in Mebourne and no car shows for me until Feb, I haven't put too much effort into washing my car. It is in serious need of a clean and detail.

Here is what I do when I'm washing and detailing my car for a local show. I usally give myself 2 days to do all this.


1. Wet the car - Give the car a good soaking of water before doing anything else to give the dirt some time to soak up the water and make removing it a little easier.

2. Cleaning the Wheels - I've used both armourall and autoglym wheels cleaners and althrough both make it a little easier to scrub off the dirt. The end result is no different to just washing with a cloth and a little Jiff with water. I use a brush to get around the inner edges of the wheels but make sure the brustles are not too hard or wire as you don't want to scratch. (I usally have to roll the car back to gert around the calipers, but better to take the wheels off entirely).

3. Under the bonnet - I usally give the engine bay a light rinse and use an old tooth brush to get into the nooks and crannys.

4. Wash the body - Since we have only been able to start washing our cars at home recently, I have mostly been using the soap at the local car wash. However I've started using some Armourall stuff and it seems to work OK.

5. Chamois the car - Remove as much of the water off the car as quickly as you can. Don't forget to open the doors and boot to get into those hard to reach areas where water will build up. I use some cheap thing I bought from Safeway, I highly recommend finding a better product!

6. Clay bar - This time I'm using Meguires detailer and clay bar. Give the car a real good soaking with the detailer and go over the body work with the clay bar, applying very little pressure. Remember to break the bar up into small blocks so that you don't waste it all at once. Wipe the remaining detailer off with a micro-fiber cloth.

7. Polish - I'm currently using Autoglym's Ultra Deep shine which I think works a treat. I apply the polish in small amounts to a Meguires foam pad and then wipe off with another micro-fiber cloth (I have these cloths labelled so that I don't mix then up). My car is in need of a buff through which I've need tried.

8. Wax - Again I used to use the stuff at the car wash which i just sprayed on but I havn't tried anythign at home yet. Been looking at the Armourall Butter Wax as advertised on TV.

9. Wheel Protectant - Use alot of Armourall wheel protectant reduces the brake dust buildup however it can make the wheels look worse if you don't apply a couple of layers. I havn't tried any other products for this.

10. Tire shine - I've used Armourall, 5 star and Autoglym for tyre shine, however I've found the Autoglym stuff to be the best. But don't use tyre shine if you have white paint on the wheels (either sidewalls or lettering) as the tyre shine turns it a dirty yellow very quickly.

11. Exhaust polish - Sorry I can't name the brand of the top of my head but it comes in a large yellow tin. Basiclly you tear a small part of teh poish filled cloth-like material form the tin and wipe over the exhaust tips and or and other chome-metals you might have. Then wipe off with a microfiber cloth.

12. Windows - I've tried both Armourall and Autoglym for this on a microfiber cloth however I've foudn that the Armourall leaves alot less of a swirl than the other.

13. Silicon everything - Usually once I'm at the show I will go over all the black window surrounds, bumper grill windscreen washers & engine plastics with a bit of silicon. Agian I use the Autoglym Tyre Shine.


1. Vacume - Take out all the carpet mats and vacume as much of the interior as you can. Try to advoid the plastics as the vacume cleaner tip will scratch. Then vacume the carpet mats.

2. Clean - I use kitten carpet cleaner for the floor mats and if needed on the floors them sleves. Just spray it on. leave it for a few moments to soak up the dirt and wipe off with a cloth.

3. Plastics - I've been very careful when dealing with plastics as I know of some products which actually harden the plastic to give it a shine but in doing so the plastic will crack in time. Currently I mostly just wipe with a damp cloth however where needed I have a small pink bottle (Whose name I've forgotten) to spray onto a cloth and wipe.

OK. Now I think I've got everything covered???
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