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Old 01-06-2009, 11:54 AM   #31
I Like To Shake It
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Join Date: Jan 2005
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To The Members Who Displayed On The Day.

Again to you I convey my sincere thanks and appreciation for braving the horrible weather and bonding together to put on one mighty terrific display.
As with most of you, the drive to the meet up point was met with heavy rainfall, and disappointment was starting to set in.
How you great people bashed my disappointment for six.
The sight of you all patiently waiting shivering your bits off to get this show on the road was the happiest and proudest moment I have ever experienced as a member of the FPV Tickford Club of NSW!
Only the truest and dedicated fan of the Blue Oval and member of the FPVTC of NSW would venture out of the house on such a lousy day.
Parking, standing and shivering beside my fellow 44 members and their families was a privilege that I will hold deeply, as is the honor of being your President.

To David Steen whom I affectionately call Freak.
What can I say?????
You are a definite freak. Your dedication, passion and love for your vehicle is an inspiration for all. It never ceases to amaze me how that a 14 year old DAILY DRIVEN VEHICLE can be displayed in such way that it is awarded Concourse Trophy for Factory Original! (how many times have you won it now?)
You are the Polish Maestro, the colour is freaking unbelievable.

As if one freak was not enough in the FPVTC of NSW, there is your freak brother Ramon. Seriously guys you are putting your fellow members to shame.
Both daily driven vehicles, and being in the outstanding condition they are, Ramon the winner last year, David this year.....hey guys if you ever want to publish your tricks of the trade, come see me, we will make a squillion, I mean you will make a squillion.

To the winners of the club trophies that were judges by all of your fellow attendees, congratulations also.
I only wish that there were trophies to present to all of you that attended on the day.


Fondest Regards


2016 S550 TY GT Coupe....some loud bits and some glass bits

I like My GT SHAKEN, and Blown
Happiness is a TY S550, a 1911 semi automatic, and the Lovey Lizzie by my side.
Originally Posted by Lovely Lizzie
whilst looking at man riding a pee wee 50
"That sure does nothing for his masculinity"
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