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Old 04-07-2005, 09:42 PM   #89
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Originally Posted by MNM96
I never said I agree with the IR changes, and truth be known, I have not even given them the time of day. I am in the well planned position of having a trade behind me, and therefore have some security.

I take great offence however at your statement. While John Howard is not popular, he has made the decisions which I believe were nessesary, to bring this country back towards where it needs to get. GST was a toughie, but ask your beloved Labour Party if they will be abolishing it as soon as they get in. Not Happening! Do you think you are worse off due to the implementation of the GST? I think not. The only reason the Libs have the Majority is due to the fact that the majority voted for them. There is a lot of the minority who did not vote for them!
I am a Lib Voter, but have voted for Beatty who is the Labour, QLD Premier, for the last two elections, because he has done a good job! Credit where credit is due! Which brings me back to the beginning, Hawke and Keating deserve nothing but Shame!!! out: out: out: 'Eff' 'em' I say, the UnAustralian Dogs!!!
PS, Ferarri did not win again : :the_finge
I see you say you have a trade and therefore have some security...

Who do you think it was that fought hard for the awards that you currently enjoy.......

It was Bob and Paul....yes, thats right, and what has John done for manufacturing are not so safe in your trade mate....

The flotation of the Aussie dollar came out as a result of the Campbell enquiry, and Fraser didnt have the balls to do it, and it was the Hawke government that made the tough decisions to make Australia's future brighter....and now Howard is enjoying the fruits of their "Labour"

If you really want to know, it was also Hawke and Keating that really brought the unions into line, and consolidated the 'Unions", something that the unions still dont forgive them for...

As I see it, I have never known a leader that has been shown to be a liar as many times as our current leader, but he still has everyones faith..

The proposed new IR reforms will do nothing but drive down wages, conditions and job security......

Now thats got to be a positive step in everyones futures.....pmsl.....
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