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Old 19-06-2005, 11:38 AM   #1
Chairman & Administrator
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Community Builder: In recognition of those who have helped build the AFF community. - Issue reason: Raptor: For Continued, and prolonged service to the wider Ford Community 
Default Another Milestone

The 200,000th post was posted earlier this morning to mark another milestone in the growth of the on-line community here.

The comparison below shows the growth rates between this and our predecessor forum (the only direct comparison we have) and it is a credit to all concerned that such rapid growth has been managed with very little difficulty.

Likewise the membership base has surpassed my wildest expectations for this year to be at 5,500 already. Again a comparison between the first 6 months here and there is a gauge ....

In the next few weeks we will be looking to migrate the site to a server with greater capacity before we have any perfromance issues rather than wait until after they happen but we will attempt to make the transisition as seamless as possible.

Keep the suggestions rolling in - the site is a Ford community and the members are the ones who should determine how we continue to grow and develop for the benefit of all.



Observatio Facta Rotae

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